Scala Matsuri

19 February 16 - February 16.

Code Of Conduct Scala Days Scaladays

Scala matsuri. How to test proper{t,l}y (Scala Matsuri edition) Writing unit tests is pretty much established practice and in addition to that, property testing has caught up on popularity. First is various serendipity at the venue. In particular, we cover:.

Also if you feel like it, plz blog about your experience so it might encourage others to speak at ScalaMatsuri in the future. Translated, matsuri means festival. Scala.js in Logic • Mainly JS, Scala.js only as Logic • Pros • Less intrusive • Self-contained in many cases • Best starting point for Scala.js • Cons • Applicability is limited • Logic component tends to be a small part of whole client codes.

A similar code of conduct has been adopted by Scala Matsuri, PNW Scala, NE Scala, and Reactive Summit to provide a harassment-free conference. Last updated on Mar 30, 17;. The ones that come to the top of my head are Ruby Kaigi, PHPcon Japan, PyCon JP, Scala Matsuri, and Node Gakuen.

Zucksの大谷が登壇します Scala Matsuriは、「Enjoy.scala」をテーマに、日本最大級の Scala のカンファレンスが開催。 実用にとどまらず、実験的な試みや、ただ楽しむだけのための発表も含…. Scala Conference in Japan 13 is the inaugural meeting of the first large-scale Scala conference in Japan. During the walk back from the Scala Days venue to the hotels, I remember discussing with Oe-san the idea of opening up CFP to the public and providing.

Build Setup Install nodenv. 30 January 16 - 31 January 16. B-4 Solid and Sustainable Development in Scala 会場B 15:05-15:45.

ScalaMatsuri is dedicated to providing an open conference for all technologists from various regions and communities. The largest international Scala conference in Asia. A presentation created with Slides.

Scala's object system can correspond ML's module system, wow!. The first day (March 2) will be technical talks and tool demonstrations to discuss a wide range of. We also support the cause.

Scala Matsuri Scala Matsuriは、13年に開催されて以来、今回で第6回目になる日本で最大のScalaのカンファレンスです。 海外からもScalaエンジニアが多く参加し、セッション中に日英の同時通訳も行われます。. Shopify ) 今回のECショップではScalaMatsuri のTシャツのみ取り扱うため、年末頃に. Scalaの学習を本格的に始めた所、ちょうどScalaMatsuriが開催… FJCT Tech blog 富士通クラウドテクノロジーズ公式エンジニアブログです.

18/3/16 - 3/18 にかけて開催された、日本国内では最大の Scala コミュニティの祭典、 Scala Matsuri 18 で登壇させていただきました。. Scala Matsuri day1 B-3 Run your aggregation queries at a speed of 14x without spending $$$ Watch Now. Currently this project Node.js version is managed via .node-version (e.g.

ScalaMatsuri day1 A-1 Readable Scala by Scala Matsuri. We consider two major values for hosting ScalaMatsuri. Scala began life in 03, created by Martin Odersky and his research group at EPFL, next to Lake Geneva and the Alps, in Lausanne, Switzerland.

11 February 16 - 12 February 16. Async Access For DynamoDB In Scala. ScalaMatsuri is an annual international conference since 13 ran by non-profit community organizers as a matsuri (festival) of technologists who love Scala.

Nowadays, Scala gets attention as a stable platform for asynchronous event-driven architectures or a pragmatic functional programming language. It provides opportunities for participants to find new technology, new finds through talks. Akkaで分散システムの障害に備える Presentation of ScalaMatsuri 17.

Our goals are to bridge the Japanese Scala community with the global Scala community, and to promote industry adoption of Scala in Japan. We want to make it a fun experience for everyone, regardless of gender, race, and many different backgrounds. $ scalac -Xshow-phases phase name id description ----- -- ----- parser 1 parse source into ASTs, perform simple desugaring namer 2 resolve names, attach symbols to named trees packageobjects 3 load package objects typer 4 the meat and potatoes:.

But “property testing” has a lot of aspects:. ScalaMatsuri is dedicated to providing an open conference for all technologists from various regions and communities. 18 February 16 - 19 February 16.

And I think not a few other people expect Scala better, refined and functional style flavored object-oriented programming. Keep Enjoying Our Matsuri!. お疲れ様です!まっちゃんです! 引き続き Scala Matsuri 18 Day 2 について書かせて頂きます!.

The largest Scala conference in Japan. The largest international Scala conference in Asia. Javaで多引数のコンストラクタを避けるために使われる Builder パターンは、Scala では名前付き引数呼び出しが使えるので必要ありません。.

Randomized or exhaustive, minimization and. 年10月に開催された Scala Matsuri に参加者として、 様々な方の発表を聴講させていただきました。 大変すばらしい内容が多く、発表スライドなどを何度も拝見させていただいているのですが. :-) Matsuri とはフェスティバルのことです。日本の Scala フェ スティバルをぜひ楽しんでください!.

17 October The largest Scala conference in Japan and this year's theme is Enjoy.scala!. ScalaMatsuri is dedicated to providing an open conference for all technologists from various regions and communities. .

Design Patterns in Scala Scala でよく見るパターン Type-Safe Builder. Scala Matsuri is dedicated to providing an open conference for all technologists from various regions and communities. This year's theme is "Enjoy.scala"!.

Type the trees patmat 5 translate match expressions superaccessors 6 add super accessors in traits and nested. I also gave a fair warning that it's not uncommon for scala/scala pull request to sit around for several months especially when it's not a clear-cut bug fix. Scala is an expressive language, but can be hard to grasp when coming from imperative languages.

We want to make it a fun experience for everyone, regardless of gender, race, and many different backgrounds. If you get selected to speak at one of these conferences, you’ll be able to reach many of Japan’s top developers, and should be able to turn your presentation into getting multiple interview offers. All participants, including speakers and sponsors, are asked to be respectful to each other and follow the Code of conduct.

Most functional languages have one, sometimes even many implementations. Scala has since grown into a mature open source programming language, used by hundreds of thousands of developers, and is developed and maintained by scores of people all over the world. ScalaMatsuri 18では初の試みとして、3月16日(金)にScalaMatsuri Tranining Dayを開催します。 Scalaに興味があるけど敷居が高いと感じている人に効率よく学べる場としてTranining Dayを開催することで、もっとScalaエンジニアの裾野を広げていきたいと考えています。.

A Hybrid Agile Approach using XP and Scrum for Software Development. This talk covers the 'zen' of Scala development, as well as what changes the new features in Scala 2.10 bring. From Japan Scala Association.

If you use Mac and want to use nodenv,. Call For Papers 19 Session Recordings Support for Speakers Code of Conduct. Last year I had a presentation in Scala Matsuri in Tokyo, Japan (Matsuri/祭 means festival in Japanese).

The cause of that has been the wrong tools and the wrong layer of abstraction and Akka is here to change that. We want to make it a fun experience for everyone, regardless of gender, race, and many different backgrounds. People were interested in contributing to scala/scala where Scala compiler and standard library is hosted.

ScalaMatsuri - YouTube Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. The Rise Of Scanamo:. Scala Matsuri の主催者は、行動規範の趣旨に反してハラスメント行為を行う参加者に対して、発表の中止や会場からの退出を指示する場合があります。行動規範についてご質問がある場合は、お近くのスタッフ までお問い合わせください。.

Here is the slides. The key is understanding what expression is in Scala, and how to adapt code to be more expressive. He was promoting Matsuri to the Scala Days goers.

日本の Scala 人気、英語の問題、世界にオープンになる上 での障壁、私自身のチャレンジについて話しました。 37. Scala Matsuri 18 に参加してきました. We believe that one should never have to choose between productivity and scalability, which has been the case with the traditional approaches to concurrency and distribution.

This is not about Scala itself, it’s about the byte code representation of Scala code. We want to make it a fun experience for everyone, regardless of gender, race, and many different backgrounds. Scala Matsuri is an annual Scala conference in Tokyo.

One of the ideas that spawned there was moving the timing to January of 16, so people can combine the conference with skiing or snow boarding.

Scalamatsuri 2016 Freer Monad Extensible Effect In Scala Youtube

Scalamatsuri 16 Freer Monad Extensible Effect In Scala Youtube

Fast Functional Scala Matsuri Jp Speaker Deck

Fast Functional Scala Matsuri Jp Speaker Deck

Gitbucket Sponsors Scalamatsuri 2016

Gitbucket Sponsors Scalamatsuri 16

Scala Matsuri のギャラリー

Fast Functional Scala Matsuri Jp Speaker Deck

Scala Meetup Berlin 12th Feb By Hiroki Fujino Medium

Scala Matsuri Tokyo Japan 27 29 Jun 19 Tulula

Scala Matsuri 17 Speaker Deck

Scala Matsuri 19にエンジニア2人で発表してきました Scalamatsuri Fringe81 Engineer Blog

Japan Taiwan Come Together For Web Matsuri 17 Nulab

Lars Hupel A Week In Tokyo

Scalamatsuri T Shirt Shops Open Now Scalamatsuri Blog

Scala Matsuri 16 Japanese Text Mining With Scala And Spark

Public Talks Gabriel Volpe

Scala Scala Lang Twitter

Java Release Model On Scala Matsuri

Scala Meetup In Berlin Functional Programming By Hiroki Fujino Medium

Scalamatsuri The Largest International Scala Conference In Asia

Scalamatsuri The Largest International Scala Conference In Asia

Scalamatsuri The Largest International Scala Conference In Asia

Scalamatsuri 17 18 Cyberagent Cm Youtube

Fast Functional Scala Matsuri Jp Speaker Deck

Scala Matsuri 16 Septeni Original Youtube

Xitrum Scala Matsuri Tokyo 14

Scala Matsuri 16 Septeni Original Youtube

Scalamatsuri Home Facebook

Scalamatsuri As A Lifestyle Eed3si9n

Akka Chan S Survival Guide For The Streaming World

Scala Matsuri 19 参加レポート Kubotak Page

Japan Taiwan Come Together For Web Matsuri 17 Nulab

Scala Matsuri 19に参加してきました Showroom Tech Blog

Scalamatsuri The Largest International Scala Conference In Asia

Xitrum Scala Matsuri Tokyo 14

Public Talks Gabriel Volpe

Xitrum Scala Matsuri Tokyo 14

Scalamatsuri Day2 A 5 Unconference Building A Rest Api Using Http4s Youtube

Scalamatsuri The Largest International Scala Conference In Asia

Lars Hupel A Week In Tokyo

Scalamatsuri 14 Eventil

Scalamatsuri The Largest International Scala Conference In Asia

Scalamatsuri The Largest International Scala Conference In Asia

Index Of Resources Img


Code Of Conduct Scala Days Scaladays

Scalamatsuri Youtube

Scala Matsuri Signify Technology

Fast Functional Scala Matsuri Jp Speaker Deck

Scala Matsuri Selective Applicative Functors Thomas Sutton Scalaconferencevideos

Code Of Conduct Scala Days Scaladays

Fast Functional Scala Matsuri Jp Speaker Deck

Akka Chan S Survival Guide For The Streaming World

Sushi Scala Meetup

Scalamatsuri The Largest International Scala Conference In Asia

Fast Functional Scala Matsuri Jp Speaker Deck

Fast Functional Scala Matsuri Jp Speaker Deck

Events Conferences Knoldus Inc

Lars Hupel A Week In Tokyo

Scala Matsuri 17 Speaker Deck

Scalamatsuri The Largest International Scala Conference In Asia

Scala Matsuri Tokyo Japan 27 29 Jun 19 Tulula

Scalamatsuri Youtube

Scala Matsuri A Recap Eventil

Xitrum Scala Matsuri Tokyo 14

Lars Hupel A Week In Tokyo

New Thing In Jdk10 Even That Scala Er Should Know

Webinar Knoldus Inc

Scalamatsuri Scalamatsuri Doorkeeper

Scalamatsuri 14 Scalamatsuri Doorkeeper

Scalamatsuri Home Facebook

Scala Scala Lang Twitter

Scalamatsuri Scalamatsuri Twitter

Scalamatsuri The Largest International Scala Conference In Asia

Scala Refactoring For Fun And Profit Japanese Subtitles

How To Test Proper T L Y Scala Matsuri Edition Speaker Deck

Scala Expertise Knoldus Inc

Scala Matsuri Signify Technology

High Performance Scala High Performance Scala Speaker Deck

Lars Hupel A Week In Tokyo

Scalamatsuri As A Lifestyle Eed3si9n

Scalamatsuri Scalamatsuri Twitter

Scalamatsuri As A Lifestyle Eed3si9n

Atware Scala Matsuri 18 Youtube

Scala Matsuri 17 の振り返り会を開催しました Scalamatsuri Developers Io

Scala Java Unix Macos Tutorials Page 1 Alvinalexander Com

Xitrum Scala Matsuri Tokyo 14

Attended My First Scala Meetup In Taipei By Raymond Tay Medium

Scala Matsuri 17 と Opt Technologies Opt Technologies Magazine

Lars Hupel A Week In Tokyo

Fast Functional Scala Matsuri Jp Speaker Deck

Scalamatsuri Functional Object Oriented Imperative Scala By Sebastien Doeraene Sjrdoeraene Scalamatsuri 19

Lars Hupel A Week In Tokyo

Scalamatsuri 19 The Largest International Scala Conference In Asia

Index Of Resources Img

Scala Matsuri Signify Technology

Xitrum Scala Matsuri Tokyo 14

Lars Hupel A Week In Tokyo

Scala Matsuri 19にエンジニア2人で発表してきました Scalamatsuri Fringe81 Engineer Blog

Past Events Tokyo Scala Developers Tokyo Japan Meetup

Code Of Conduct Scala Days Scaladays

Attended My First Scala Meetup In Taipei By Raymond Tay Medium

Scala Matsuri Tokyo Japan 27 29 Jun 19 Tulula